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coeur à l'est - âme vagabonde - désastre des astres - enfant égaré - maux troubles - plomb dans le myocarde - murmures de mots qui éclatent dans l'eau - reine sans couronne - d'aurore en horreur - croquer la vie à pleines dents - confondre la solitude ; le temps des secrets ; à coeur ouvert ; à corps perdu ; néant ; marée noire ; mots tranchants - rage aiguisée - la rage au ventre - poupée du diable - endiablée - ses yeux menthe à l'eau - yeux turquoise - marionnettiste. resistance, maux troubles, À vaillant coeur rien d’impossible. -Dans une grande âme tout est grand. - Chacun voit midi à sa porte. - Je pense, donc je suis. - On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne. - Prouver que j'ai raison serait accorder que je puis avoir tort. - On n'est point toujours une bête pour l'avoir été quelquefois. -Il n’y a pas de vérités moyennes. - Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop. -Il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir. - Le temps est un grand maître, dit-on. Le malheur est qu’il tue ses élèves. -Être adulte, c’est être seul. - Un homme seul est toujours en mauvaise compagnie. - A vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire. - L’enfer, c’est les autres. - La raison c’est la folie du plus fort. La raison du moins fort c’est de la folie. - Autres temps, autres mœurs. - La vérité vaut bien qu’on passe quelques années sans la trouver. -Il faut bonne mémoire après qu’on a menti. - Qui craint de souffrir, il souffre déjà de ce qu’il craint. - Il vaut mieux faire que dire. - La parfaite valeur est de faire sans témoin ce qu’on serait capable de faire devant tout le monde. -La vie est une fleur dont l’amour est le miel. - Il n’y a qu’un bonheur dans la vie, c’est d’aimer et d’être aimé. - Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction. - Plus l’offenseur m’est cher, plus je ressens l’injure. - Va, je ne te hais point. - On n’aime que ce qu’on ne possède pas tout entier. - L’amour est comme le vent, nous ne savons pas d’où il vient. - La vie est un sommeil, l’amour en est le rêve. -Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas. - Le seul vrai langage au monde est un baiser. - Entre deux cœurs qui s’aiment, nul besoin de paroles. - Vivre sans aimer n’est pas proprement vivre. -Oh! Si tu pouvais lire dans mon coeur, tu verrais la place où je t’ai mise! -L’amour c’est être stupide ensemble. -Un seul être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé. - C’est cela l’amour, tout donner, tout sacrifier sans espoir de retour. - L’amour est une passion qui ne se soumet à rien, et à qui au contraire, toutes choses se soumettent. - Le prix d’Amour, c’est seulement Amour… Il faut aimer si l’on veut etre aimé… –On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. - Un peuple malheureux fait les grands artistes. - L’œuvre d’art, c’est une idée qu’on exagéré. -Écrire, c’est une façon de parler sans être interrompu. -Les chefs-d’oeuvre ne sont jamais que des tentatives heureuses. -La critique est aisée, mais l’art est difficile.
the darkest bloom - poisoned flower - khaliq - bloody hands commander - thousand sparkles - darkness ; like a shadow ; enter your mind ; deep in the abyss ; nightmares ; haunt your nights ; hurt you ; crowned ; evil empire ; king of evil ; see you drown ; give me power ; I am the control ; hypnotize you ; dominates for a better life ; deep, powerful, controlling (and just a little tortured) ; lust for power ; fear of loss ; denial of rejection ; the world falling at your feet (and the whole world at your feet) ; the forgotten karma ; desire to suffer ; feared oblivion ; fading from memory ; the loss of the soul ; smother your goodness ; listen to your brain, more than your intuition ; karma will go to hell ; sheer perfection ; dominating man, ravaged city ; never give up on your goal ; for your blood and only your blood ; for your blood and only this one, betray strangers if you must ; reason goes mad ; the eternal question of good and evil ; perfect little rejection ; perfect little paternal rejection ; the strength of spirit - turn up the music ; shut up & groove ; senses ; love talk ; a life full of glitter ; sunshine ; senorita ; poppin'champagne ; hit your heart ; anyone can betray anyone ; self destruction ; spleen ; embrace the chaos ; so many men had tried to make her a queen ; hellfire ; i fear no evil ; trust no one ; and you will not deny me ; awful and beautiful ; rotten to the core ; it takes the sadness of life ; lettera amorosa ; dusk till dawn, to all that is chaotic in you let there come silence, i ache for you, darkness fills my room, existing in an eclipse, reckless soul, still i found a way to navigate to you, brisé, brise hémial, got lost into the sea, abyssal, duty and honour, from ivory to steel, catharsis... death suits you - persephone - cold - cigarette aux lèvres - did i stutter, evil devil, blood on your hands, cops can't climb, dancing with your ghost, shot in the dark, tears to shed, i don't fucking care, full of rage, enter bastard, weirdo, killed my old self but the new me isn't better, the emptiness in my eyes, knock knock let the devil in - drama queen, falling star, love is a weakness, forever young, i hate that i love you, heart made of glass, shape of you, a girl with a gun, the lost princess, pretty reckless, sweet but psycho, fallen angel, i won't stop until the angels sing, don't say goodbye, señorita, wripe you arms around my weakness, look at her, you giving me chills at hundred degrees, vulnerable - : those ocean eyes ; falling into your ocean eyes ; belong to you ; no fair ; I'm scared ; destruction to come back again ; cold and empty ; I can see the sun light up the sky ; blinding lights ; a shipwreck lost at sea ; trying to stay afloat ; summertime sadness ; walk away, come runnin' back again ; crying lighting - To be ruined - The darkness is our new kingdom - In our bones, in our blood - All this and heaven too - I want to be raw - En faisant croire que toute réponse gémit - Darkness lives in me - Here, hold my morals - Wanna leave our afflictions behind - We're so hopelessly faded - Notre solitude partagée - Won't take no for an answer - How far does the dark go ? - J'assemble les débris - Sanctify my body with pain - Damaged soul - One messed up mind - Come back to me - a revolution, the bighter star, war of wands, master of death, the tragegy, new dawn fades, closer than brothers, how do you destroy a monster? by becoming one, brave and bold, history has its eyes on you, the horrors, the night is dark and full of terror, You should see me in a crown) ( She's in power) (She'll haunt you to death) (Her poison seeps in you) (The siren of your dreams) (I’m your stalker baby) (Libation) (Divine enchanteresse) (Sublime) (God saves the queen) (Told you not to worry, but maybe that's a lie. Honey, what's your hurry? Won't you stay inside ? Remember not to get too close to stars, they're never gonna give you love like ours) (I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam ; and I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem ; but if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream) (Lavender blue Dilly-dilly Lavender green Then I'll be king Dilly-dilly You'll be my queen) ( I'm the board, the lightning, the thunder Kind of girl who's gonna make you wonder Who you are and who you've been)( Diamonds, brilliant, in Bel-Air now Hot summer nights, mid July When you and I were forever wild The crazy days, city lights The way you'd play with me like a child)( Blue is the color of the planet from the view above Long live our reign, long live our love Green is the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove 'Til it runs red, runs red with blood)(les liaisons dangereuses)(Female alpha)
사랑은 한계가 없습니다 - Love has no limits. / 신뢰, 사랑하고 이동하십시오 Trust, Love and Keep Moving. / 믿음과 사랑과 인내 - Faith, Love and Perseverance. / 친절은 사랑 보이게됩니다 - Kindness is love made visible. / 사랑에 모든 것이 기적입니다 - Everything in love is a miracle. / 나는 하나님의 자녀예요 - I'm God's child. / 불멸의 스타처럼 - Like an undying star./ 당신의 마음을 먹는다 - Eat your heart out. / 아무것도 사항 - Nothing Else Matters. / 따라서 세계의 영광이 퇴색 - Thus fades the glory of the world. /나는 필사적 때, 나는 방법을 찾을 수 있습니다 - When I am desperate, I find a way. / 믿는 중지하지 마십시오 - Don't stop believing. / 모든 것은 내가 할 수있는, 그럴 게요 - All that I can, I will. / 실패는 성공의 어머니입니다 - Failure is the mother of success. / 당신은 당신이 할 수 있다고 생각 할 수 있습니다 - You can if you think you can. / 생명, 자유 및 행복의 추구 - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. / 혼란에 푹 빠졌는데 - Revel in the chaos. / 진정한 힘은 깨진 캔트 - True strength can’t be broken. / 결함은 어두운 색상 - Imperfections color the dark. / 심지어 원숭이는 나무에서 떨어진다 - Even monkeys fall from trees. / 그는 누가 장미가 가시를 존중해야한다 싶다 - He who wants the rose must respect the thorn. / 매일 선물이 아니라 주어진 권리입니다 - Each day is a gift and not a given right. / 당신이 방법을 알고있다하더라도, 한 번 더 부탁드립니다 - Even if you know the way, ask one more time. / 손바닥으로 하늘 전체를 커버하지 마십시오 - Don't try to cover the whole sky with your palm. / 큰 강은 작은 스트림을 거부하지 않습니다 - A great river does not refuse any small streams. / 당신이 자주 노래를하면 당신은 아름다운 노래를 싫어합니다 - You will hate a beautiful song if you sing it often.